Friday, June 29, 2007


Hi guys,

I went home I think about this long weekend. What will you plan for this long weekend? For me, by the time July 1st, I will have experienced Canadian Day twice. I was in Thomson Park, Kamloops City. I was there to see firework. I was exciting because it was the first time I experienced and also most people living in Kamloops gathered in the Park and enjoyed.
For this second time, I will join Canadian Day Celeration in Calgary; it will be more exciting because it is a bigger city than Kamloops, and the Stampede Festival coming soon. However, This week is really busy. Yeah, we have many assigments due to next week. We have to submit the second book report, annotated bibliographies. Therefore, We probably have not much time to enjoy. Furthermore, the week after next week we still have many assignments a head. Whatever, We should go to see firework celeration at Stampede Park on July 1st night. I hope I will see you guys somewhere there. Enjoy yourself guys. Now, time is up, I have to go to sleep. See you !!!

1 comment:

Sisley said...

hey! So u went to Stampede Park? Cool,,, how was it?