Friday, July 13, 2007

Friday, JULY 13- My first Stampede

Hi my classmate !!!

As long as I am living in Canada, this is my first Stampede night at Calgary. I believed that some of you have experienced at the Calgary Stampede. How did you feel for the first time at Stampede? .... Anyway, you could tell me about your Stampede persperctive in comment section. ... For me, I acctually did not plan to going Stampede tonight; however, I got a call from my friend. He said, " dress up, I will drive you downtown and have fun there." "Yeah, why not, this is Friday night," I replied. On time, He went to pick me and we went to downtown, the he said we go to Stampede. At first I confused, and I did not want to go Stampede because I heard that the Stampede is just for kids and gamblers. However, when I was there, my old point of view was lost, because not only kids were there, but adults and seniors were also there. Second, when I entried the fair, wow, a thousand of people are there. People were enthusiastic to play games, eating, drinking...... and line up for game tickets.
I spend a couple hours there, and I really enjoyed even though I did not play any game. Perhaps, 27-28 years old, I am old enough to not play nay game. But I was happy there as I was happy to look people playing. Before, I wen home, I had change to see firework at the fair, It was nice. My friend and I forgot to bright Camera; therefore, we could not take any picture.

What time is it now? oh, 1.46 am next day, I've gota go to bed. See you guys !!!

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