All My Dear Friends,
So far we have two weeks left, then we will have finished EAPIII by the first week August. How do you feel now? In fact, today I am out of topic of blog's tittle to compose about; therefore, I looked at you guys blogs and counted them. How many blogs have you written so far? I think most of you on the right track of writing blogs. Some one neeed to work more to catch up numbers blogs, 12 blogs. Don't worry, I think you guys can do it. You know .... we have some people , .... just have written blogs a week before...... but owned 5 blogs already ( In fact ... just 4; for the reason one blog could not count becaus the blog just only one word. Can you guesss who.... Start with A letter ..........hiii just kidding to the owner that blog.)
Generally, your blog
s are both beautifull and urgly, intertesting and boring mixed together. ...but I like them because your perpestives, pictures, cultures, plans have been shared to us. Thanks so far. And you guys must like them too because your goals are to obtain 12 blogs, which is coming soon.
Finally, I tell you my purpose. Before this blog were published, I still had had 3 more blogs. ............. then now you know my purpose.........I have 2 blogs left.
See you guys ....
Wow!........You have written four blogs already.Great..........Congratulation.......Good job.........
oh c'man Cong! Will you stop writin' your super adventures and share them with me??? I like having a blog, actually, i don't write because it's homework, i write because i like to share my experiences!!! Therefore, i will continue having a blog!
Cong???;) lol I was wondering who left me a comment under name Caljan....:))) lol nowi know that it is you..:)))
as for this is a good way to keep in touch when we finish our programm!:) dont you think so???
Caljan is a ghost, sometimes it appears and vanishes quickly. But we are able to keep in touch with the ghost, CALJAN.
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