Sunday, July 22, 2007


Hi every one!!!

How do you feel for the final week? I believe you guys are very exciting now because of many reasons. For exxample, some of you are waiting for finishing course to visit their countries; others eager to travel some places after a long period of study time.

For me, after I finish this course, I have a passort to be able to take university courses. However, I realized that to have good ability at English requires non-native speaking English study it for whole lives. Finishing EAPIII at the University of Calgary is just only a certificate for us going into university courses; it does not mean we are perfect at English. Therefore, we should contiue studying English for long time.

To me, this is a special blog because not only is the blog twelve of blog assignment, but it is also a blog that I would like to SAY THANK YOU to everyone.

During 6 months study at EAP program, this is a good time for me to say THANK YOU to all our INSTRUCTORS, particular for ANA, Dr, SENGUPTA, and D...r.... Scott. By the way, say THANKs to all classmates who have sharedtheir cultures, experiences, and helped improve English together.

Finally, I hope we will keep in touch and BEST WISHES IN THE YEARS to COME for every one.


Yin Cao said...

Vienam did a great job.
China drove me crazy. I dont know why they lost that game. god

Sisley said...

Why didn't you put my name on your comment?!!! You should've writen something SIMPLE like this: "I want to thank specially to Sisley for her enthusiasm, frienship and positive energy that brought to the class... I will never forget you Sisley, I appreciated all your thoughts and comments since you made me be a better person -_-... and I'm sure the UofC will accept you! Thank you again Sisley, you are amazing!!!"


CALJAN said...

Hi Sisley,

I already said thank you everyone,
I don't mind saying that Thank Sisley, a cool, funy and very enthusiatic girl I haven't met so far, ( may be in future I will meet another more entusiatic than yuo, Sisley) Kidding ... , Good luck for all things you do in the years to come.


Takhmina said...

;) she is hilarious!:) such a funny girl....
anyways, just wanted to wish you the best with ur new work, and studies!!!:)