Monday, July 2, 2007


Hi Guys,

Nowadays, Energy is problematical of many nations because their industrial developments. In these countries, the demands for energy are very huge and rapid while their powerful systems are not adequate to supply. There are many ways to produce power supply such as hydroelectric plant, wind energy, tide energy, solar energy, thremo-electricity. However, nuclear power is the most potential energy that many nations have been persevering to successfully achieve their energy plans. These demands are reasonable; however, they are a lot of hidden hazards because the line between produce engery, which is used in industry, and produce nuclear weapon is very thin. When every nation races to built nuclear systems, this world is a big dymamic store, and it is able to explode. Therefore, we should innovate new energy plan.


Mr. Bannett said...

Hi cong.
good topic. I learnt somthing good from your topic.

Stephanie said...

Hi cong. thank for bring up that topiv I hope there are effective plans for the energy.

Sisley said...

Hey Cong!
It seems like you are quite acknowledgeable in that topic... Good! I'm proud of you... -_-;