Hi every one!!!
How do you feel for the final week? I believe you guys are very exciting now because of many reasons. For exxample, some of you are waiting for finishing course to visit their countries; others eager to travel some places after a long period of study time.
For me, after I finish this course, I have a passort to be able to take university courses. However, I realized that to have good ability at English requires non-native speaking English study it for whole lives. Finishing EAPIII at the University of Calgary is just only a certificate for us going into university courses; it does not mean we are perfect at English. Therefore, we should contiue studying English for long time.
To me, this is a special blog because not only is the blog twelve of blog assignment, but it is also a blog that I would like to SAY THANK YOU to everyone.
During 6 months study at EAP program, this is a good time for me to say THANK YOU to all our INSTRUCTORS, particular for ANA, Dr, SENGUPTA, and D...r.... Scott. By the way, say THANKs to all classmates who have sharedtheir cultures, experiences, and helped improve English together.
Finally, I hope we will keep in touch and BEST WISHES IN THE YEARS to COME for every one.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
Hi guys,
WONDERFUL ! This is the only word which we could cheer to the Vietnamese Soccer Team.
Historically, the Vietnamese Soccer Team has not pass to any finalround of Asian Cup.
However, it was different because the Vietnamese Team was co-held Asian Cup with Thailand,
Malaysia, Indonesia. Therefore, the Vietnamese team did not play qualification round. The
Vietnamese team is the only one of four holders pass to quaterfinal; as a result, won UAE 2-0,
tied Qata 1-1, and lost Japan 4-1. This is mysterious of The Vietnamse Soccer. My country
seemed to be walked up during Asian Cup. People converged on the city centers to share their
emotions of the Vietnamese Soccer.
When I am writing this blog, my team is playing to Iraq at quaterfinal. We hope we are able
to further of this Cup, and continue our nice dreams, which we have dreamed for a thousand years.
WONDERFUL ! This is the only word which we could cheer to the Vietnamese Soccer Team.
Historically, the Vietnamese Soccer Team has not pass to any finalround of Asian Cup.
However, it was different because the Vietnamese Team was co-held Asian Cup with Thailand,
Malaysia, Indonesia. Therefore, the Vietnamese team did not play qualification round. The
Vietnamese team is the only one of four holders pass to quaterfinal; as a result, won UAE 2-0,
tied Qata 1-1, and lost Japan 4-1. This is mysterious of The Vietnamse Soccer. My country
seemed to be walked up during Asian Cup. People converged on the city centers to share their
emotions of the Vietnamese Soccer.
When I am writing this blog, my team is playing to Iraq at quaterfinal. We hope we are able
to further of this Cup, and continue our nice dreams, which we have dreamed for a thousand years.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
All My Dear Friends,
So far we have two weeks left, then we will have finished EAPIII by the first week August. How do you feel now? In fact, today I am out of topic of blog's tittle to compose about; therefore, I looked at you guys blogs and counted them. How many blogs have you written so far? I think most of you on the right track of writing blogs. Some one neeed to work more to catch up numbers blogs, 12 blogs. Don't worry, I think you guys can do it. You know .... we have some people , .... just have written blogs a week before...... but owned 5 blogs already ( In fact ... just 4; for the reason one blog could not count becaus the blog just only one word. Can you guesss who.... Start with A letter ..........hiii just kidding to the owner that blog.)
Generally, your blog
s are both beautifull and urgly, intertesting and boring mixed together. ...but I like them because your perpestives, pictures, cultures, plans have been shared to us. Thanks so far. And you guys must like them too because your goals are to obtain 12 blogs, which is coming soon.
Finally, I tell you my purpose. Before this blog were published, I still had had 3 more blogs. ............. then now you know my purpose.........I have 2 blogs left.
See you guys ....
Friday, July 13, 2007
Friday, JULY 13- My first Stampede
Hi my classmate !!!
As long as I am living in Canada, this is my first Stampede night at Calgary. I believed that some of you have experienced at the Calgary Stampede. How did you feel for the first time at Stampede? .... Anyway, you could tell me about your Stampede persperctive in comment section. ... For me, I acctually did not plan to going Stampede tonight; however, I got a call from my friend. He said, " dress up, I will drive you downtown and have fun there." "Yeah, why not, this is Friday night," I replied. On time, He went to pick me and we went to downtown, the he said we go to Stampede. At first I confused, and I did not want to go Stampede because I heard that the Stampede is just for kids and gamblers. However, when I was there, my old point of view was lost, because not only kids were there, but adults and seniors were also there. Second, when I entried the fair, wow, a thousand of people are there. People were enthusiastic to play games, eating, drinking...... and line up for game tickets.
I spend a couple hours there, and I really enjoyed even though I did not play any game. Perhaps, 27-28 years old, I am old enough to not play nay game. But I was happy there as I was happy to look people playing. Before, I wen home, I had change to see firework at the fair, It was nice. My friend and I forgot to bright Camera; therefore, we could not take any picture.
What time is it now? oh, 1.46 am next day, I've gota go to bed. See you guys !!!
As long as I am living in Canada, this is my first Stampede night at Calgary. I believed that some of you have experienced at the Calgary Stampede. How did you feel for the first time at Stampede? .... Anyway, you could tell me about your Stampede persperctive in comment section. ... For me, I acctually did not plan to going Stampede tonight; however, I got a call from my friend. He said, " dress up, I will drive you downtown and have fun there." "Yeah, why not, this is Friday night," I replied. On time, He went to pick me and we went to downtown, the he said we go to Stampede. At first I confused, and I did not want to go Stampede because I heard that the Stampede is just for kids and gamblers. However, when I was there, my old point of view was lost, because not only kids were there, but adults and seniors were also there. Second, when I entried the fair, wow, a thousand of people are there. People were enthusiastic to play games, eating, drinking...... and line up for game tickets.
I spend a couple hours there, and I really enjoyed even though I did not play any game. Perhaps, 27-28 years old, I am old enough to not play nay game. But I was happy there as I was happy to look people playing. Before, I wen home, I had change to see firework at the fair, It was nice. My friend and I forgot to bright Camera; therefore, we could not take any picture.
What time is it now? oh, 1.46 am next day, I've gota go to bed. See you guys !!!
Sunday, July 8, 2007
7 - 7 - 7

Hi boys and girls
Saturday 7/7/7, it is a lucky day or unlucky day? What are your superstitions? Whether are you a superstitious person or not; I would like to share some interesting information about this day.
Four 7 digits is exciting coincident event (Saturday, the seventh day of a week, 7 the seventh day of a month, the seventh month of a year and the seventh year of the 21 century). For some people, this is a lucky day in their superstitions. For example, We have 7 wonders of the World. You know that music has seven musical notes; Rainbow has seven colours, A week has seven days; A world “success” has seven letters; And we have a Agent Double 0 SEVEN…. And so on… People would like to have an account with 7 digits (9,999,999 $)
Today, a thousand of couples choose this day to celebrate their wedding. Probably, if I have I should do something especially on the day. Hiii….. What did you do something especially this day?
Saturday 7/7/7, it is a lucky day or unlucky day? What are your superstitions? Whether are you a superstitious person or not; I would like to share some interesting information about this day.
Four 7 digits is exciting coincident event (Saturday, the seventh day of a week, 7 the seventh day of a month, the seventh month of a year and the seventh year of the 21 century). For some people, this is a lucky day in their superstitions. For example, We have 7 wonders of the World. You know that music has seven musical notes; Rainbow has seven colours, A week has seven days; A world “success” has seven letters; And we have a Agent Double 0 SEVEN…. And so on… People would like to have an account with 7 digits (9,999,999 $)
Today, a thousand of couples choose this day to celebrate their wedding. Probably, if I have I should do something especially on the day. Hiii….. What did you do something especially this day?
I am going to sleep. See youu !!
Friday, July 6, 2007

Hi !
Will you use fast food or cook meals if you are hungry? The answer is flexible. the U.S. and the North America are the kingdom of fastfood wherther Asian countries are not. Therefore, fast food restaurants have mushroomed popular in these countries. Why is there different?
First, fast food is one of the American customs. The Americans do not want to waste a lot of time cooking their meals. Fast food has often been prepared a head of time so that it can be served quickly. In contrast to the Americans, The Asisans spend long time preparing and serving each meal in a day. I might add there more and more women enjoy working outside as a result they are so tired to make a meal.
Plus the fact that when the Americans plan to go somewhere for their picnics, they don't have to worry about food prepared. They rather rprefer to buy fast food in restaurants.

Not to mention the fact that most Americans afford to consume fast food for the cause that it is not expensive.
In short, fast food restaurants continue developing. People don't have much time in contemporary society, so quick meals are reasonable choices.
( Pictures were retrieved from the Internet resources)
Monday, July 2, 2007
Hi Guys,
Nowadays, Energy is problematical of many nations because their industrial developments. In these countries, the demands for energy are very huge and rapid while their powerful systems are not adequate to supply. There are many ways to produce power supply such as hydroelectric plant, wind energy, tide energy, solar energy, thremo-electricity. However, nuclear power is the most potential energy that many nations have been persevering to successfully achieve their energy plans. These demands are reasonable; however, they are a lot of hidden hazards because the line between produce engery, which is used in industry, and produce nuclear weapon is very thin. When every nation races to built nuclear systems, this world is a big dymamic store, and it is able to explode. Therefore, we should innovate new energy plan.
Nowadays, Energy is problematical of many nations because their industrial developments. In these countries, the demands for energy are very huge and rapid while their powerful systems are not adequate to supply. There are many ways to produce power supply such as hydroelectric plant, wind energy, tide energy, solar energy, thremo-electricity. However, nuclear power is the most potential energy that many nations have been persevering to successfully achieve their energy plans. These demands are reasonable; however, they are a lot of hidden hazards because the line between produce engery, which is used in industry, and produce nuclear weapon is very thin. When every nation races to built nuclear systems, this world is a big dymamic store, and it is able to explode. Therefore, we should innovate new energy plan.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Hi you guys,
Have you ever been in Banff? It is a small town; however, it is a wonderful town. On the way that I went to Banff, I visted Lake Lousie one month ago. It is a mountain lake, so it is so imazing. I really enjoyed the scence. This is the mighty mountains. So I took many pictures here.
After explore the mountains, I went down to enjoy the water-falls. It is another beauty of the scenery.
I do not want to be a tour guide man; however, I would like to tell you my feelings about how wonderful Banff is ! I hope you guys will visit there or return there sometime.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Hi guys,
I went home I think about this long weekend. What will you plan for this long weekend? For me, by the time July 1st, I will have experienced Canadian Day twice. I was in Thomson Park, Kamloops City. I was there to see firework. I was exciting because it was the first time I experienced and also most people living in Kamloops gathered in the Park and enjoyed.
For this second time, I will join Canadian Day Celeration in Calgary; it will be more exciting because it is a bigger city than Kamloops, and the Stampede Festival coming soon. However, This week is really busy. Yeah, we have many assigments due to next week. We have to submit the second book report, annotated bibliographies. Therefore, We probably have not much time to enjoy. Furthermore, the week after next week we still have many assignments a head. Whatever, We should go to see firework celeration at Stampede Park on July 1st night. I hope I will see you guys somewhere there. Enjoy yourself guys. Now, time is up, I have to go to sleep. See you !!!
I went home I think about this long weekend. What will you plan for this long weekend? For me, by the time July 1st, I will have experienced Canadian Day twice. I was in Thomson Park, Kamloops City. I was there to see firework. I was exciting because it was the first time I experienced and also most people living in Kamloops gathered in the Park and enjoyed.
For this second time, I will join Canadian Day Celeration in Calgary; it will be more exciting because it is a bigger city than Kamloops, and the Stampede Festival coming soon. However, This week is really busy. Yeah, we have many assigments due to next week. We have to submit the second book report, annotated bibliographies. Therefore, We probably have not much time to enjoy. Furthermore, the week after next week we still have many assignments a head. Whatever, We should go to see firework celeration at Stampede Park on July 1st night. I hope I will see you guys somewhere there. Enjoy yourself guys. Now, time is up, I have to go to sleep. See you !!!
Friday, June 22, 2007

Hi my classmates,
After finishing Friday classes, I went to web blog to see your comments. I did not know what my next topic is. Suddenly, I think about the term Euthanasia. OK. Then I started it. What is euthanasia? Why does it become one of controversial topics? Euthanasia is defined that euthanasia is the termination of human because they are living in unbearable life and terminally ill. Patients or people decide to end their life either by lethal injections, overdoses, or withdraw from live support or medication. This matter has been heated up when “Dr. Death” whose name is Jack Kevorkian was released on Jun 1st, 2007 after serving 8 years in prison. He is a controversial American pathologist. He was arrested as he helped 120 people ending their life. He is one of pro-euthanasia activists, having great contribution for euthanasia movement. Is he right or wrong?
I felt sick when I heard people ending themselves since the most significant concept is that “people can not choose when to be born; therefore, they can not choose when to die” conducted by an article I had read. I do not know about your ideas. What you agree or disagree with this?
After finishing Friday classes, I went to web blog to see your comments. I did not know what my next topic is. Suddenly, I think about the term Euthanasia. OK. Then I started it. What is euthanasia? Why does it become one of controversial topics? Euthanasia is defined that euthanasia is the termination of human because they are living in unbearable life and terminally ill. Patients or people decide to end their life either by lethal injections, overdoses, or withdraw from live support or medication. This matter has been heated up when “Dr. Death” whose name is Jack Kevorkian was released on Jun 1st, 2007 after serving 8 years in prison. He is a controversial American pathologist. He was arrested as he helped 120 people ending their life. He is one of pro-euthanasia activists, having great contribution for euthanasia movement. Is he right or wrong?
I felt sick when I heard people ending themselves since the most significant concept is that “people can not choose when to be born; therefore, they can not choose when to die” conducted by an article I had read. I do not know about your ideas. What you agree or disagree with this?
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Hi everyone,
Soccer is the most famous game in the world. It is named a "king game". Millions of people watch soccer matches everyweekend, and a billion of fans perhaps had watched last World Cup which took place at Germany in Junly last year. The champoin of the game is Italy. Actually, my favourite team is Holland. However, the team did not play well for some reasons. Perhaps, Ducth team has many excellent and young players, but they are less experiment in a big game like that. Not only does the game require good skill players, but also it requires players confident and "cool head" in each significant mathes. The reason why I am a royal fan of Dutch team for many year because they offer wonderfull matches when they play with any other team. They have been practising "total pressing football" which means all players play as strikers, but they all defend when the competitor attack. This "total pressing football" was first established in 70's, and it sticked with Johan Gruyff legend. It also helped Ajax Team Club won 3 times C1 in Europe at the same age, and Ajax Team Club became the Dream Team. The new ideal of "total pressing soccer" had rapidly made a power Dutch Soccer Team which had dominated nd blown out many other famous teams such as Brazil and Argentina. Dutch Team had played continuously twice final matches of world cup 74' and 78' ; nevertheless, Dutch men lost twice. On the whole, soccer is an exciting game; we should relax with many wonderful scores.
Soccer is the most famous game in the world. It is named a "king game". Millions of people watch soccer matches everyweekend, and a billion of fans perhaps had watched last World Cup which took place at Germany in Junly last year. The champoin of the game is Italy. Actually, my favourite team is Holland. However, the team did not play well for some reasons. Perhaps, Ducth team has many excellent and young players, but they are less experiment in a big game like that. Not only does the game require good skill players, but also it requires players confident and "cool head" in each significant mathes. The reason why I am a royal fan of Dutch team for many year because they offer wonderfull matches when they play with any other team. They have been practising "total pressing football" which means all players play as strikers, but they all defend when the competitor attack. This "total pressing football" was first established in 70's, and it sticked with Johan Gruyff legend. It also helped Ajax Team Club won 3 times C1 in Europe at the same age, and Ajax Team Club became the Dream Team. The new ideal of "total pressing soccer" had rapidly made a power Dutch Soccer Team which had dominated nd blown out many other famous teams such as Brazil and Argentina. Dutch Team had played continuously twice final matches of world cup 74' and 78' ; nevertheless, Dutch men lost twice. On the whole, soccer is an exciting game; we should relax with many wonderful scores.
Friday, June 1, 2007
Hi everyone, for the first blog, I would like to introduce my home town, Sai Gon.
Sai Gon, where most people know because of Viet Nam war, the Old South Capital of Viet Nam, is my mother land. I would not to tell about old sad story; however, I would like to introduce you new destination. You would like to travel, wouldn’t you?
In brief, Sai Gon was first found over 300 years. My home town is likely to have two seasons: rainy season and dry season. Sai Gon buildings were combined French provincial town and Vietnamese town.
In 60’s and 70’s, Sai Gon was used to dub the “Pearl of the Orien
t” by foreign press. In the past, “cyclos” was common mode of transportation; however, motorcycles are the popular vehicles. Sai Gon is the hectic and density city with over eight millions of population.

Another specific trait about Saigon is that each house could be a shop if the owner of the house wants to do commercial at his or her house. Therefore, visitors could see small or big shop everywhere. Not only Sai Gon is a contemporary city, but also it still has antique trait.
To sum up, Saigoners are very friendly and we always welcome all of you around the world to arrive.
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